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Change or reset your password

Forget your password or having trouble logging in? This article explains how you can reset or change your password.

Reset your password

  1. Go to login page > Log In
  2. Under login, click Reset password
  3. Enter the email address you used to register on Tally Workspace
  4. You will receive a password reset email to your registered email address 
  5. Click Reset Password in the email 
  6. Enter your new password 

Change your password 

  1. Go to login page > Log In
  2. Under login, click Reset password
  3. Enter the email address you used to register on Tally Workspace
  4. You will receive a password reset email to your registered email address 
  5. Click Reset Password in the email 
  6. Enter your new password 

If you’ve requested the reset link more than once, make sure you're using the right email address. 

If you are still having problems with your password or login please contact us at hello@tallyworkspace.com.